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This project is an incubation project being run inside the Green Software Foundation; as such, we DON’T recommend using it in any critical use case. Incubation projects are experimental, offer no support guarantee, have minimal governance and process, and may be retired at any moment. This project may one day Graduate, in which case this disclaimer will be removed.

Quick start

This page will provide the basic instructions for getting up and running with Impact Framework.

1: Install Impact Framework

Install the Impact Framework globally using npm.

npm install -g @grnsft/if

Read our detailed guide to installing IF.

2: Install some plugins

Install some of the plugins you want to include in your pipeline. The following commands will install both the official and unofficial IF model packages.

npm install -g @grnsft/if-plugins
npm install -g @grnsft/if-unofficial-plugins

Read our detailed guide to loading plugins.

3: Create a manifest file

A manifest file contains all the configuration and input data required to measure your application's energy and carbon impacts and should have a .yml extension.

Open the file, add your data and save the file. The simple example below runs a single snapshot observation through a single plugin.

name: basic-demo
path: '@grnsft/if-unofficial-plugins'
method: TeadsCurve
interpolation: spline
cpu/thermal-design-power: 100
- teads-curve
- timestamp: 2023-07-06T00:00
duration: 1
cpu/utilization: 20
- timestamp: 2023-07-06T00:01
duration: 1
cpu/utilization: 80
- timestamp: 2023-07-06T00:02
duration: 1
cpu/utilization: 20

Read our detailed guide to writing manifest files.

4: Compute your manifest file

Run the pipeline by passing the path to your manifest file to the if-run command line tool:

if-run --manifest <path-to-your-manifest>

🎉Congratulations 🎉! You have just used the Impact Framework to compute the energy consumed by an application!

Next steps

Now you know how to use the if-run you can start building more complex pipelines of plugins and more complicated manifest files. Your overall aim is to create a manifest file that accurately represents a real software application, and a plugin pipeline that yields an environmental metric that's important to you (e.g. carbon).

Experiment by adding more plugins to the pipeline, for example add sci-o to convert energy into operational-carbon. Your output data will be displayed in your console.

You can also configure if to save your output data to another yaml file. To do this, add the --output flag and the path to the output file where the results are saved.

The command is then as follows:

if-run --manifest <path-to-your-impl> --output <save-path>

Explore our user documentation for walkthrough guides to common Impact Framework tasks: