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This project is an incubation project being run inside the Green Software Foundation; as such, we DON’T recommend using it in any critical use case. Incubation projects are experimental, offer no support guarantee, have minimal governance and process, and may be retired at any moment. This project may one day Graduate, in which case this disclaimer will be removed.

How can I contribute to Impact framework?

We welcome all kinds of contributions to Impact Framework, from bug reports to work on core features or documentation. For detailed instructions on how to start and what to expect when you contribute, please visit our contributions guidelines. There you will find guidance on how to raise bug reports, how to contribute code and what processes we have in place for handling your issues and PRs.

To contribute to these docs, you can raise pull requests against our Github repository.

In general, you can consider any ticket on our issue board open for community contributions if it does not have the core-only tag. We tag suitable introductory issues as good-first-issue - these are great places to get started.

You can also contribute by participating in discussions on our mailing list at We send out weekly updates that includes what we've shipped, what we're working on and how you can get involved each week.