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This project is an incubation project being run inside the Green Software Foundation; as such, we DON’T recommend using it in any critical use case. Incubation projects are experimental, offer no support guarantee, have minimal governance and process, and may be retired at any moment. This project may one day Graduate, in which case this disclaimer will be removed.

How to check parameters and units using explainer

Manifest files can get complicated, especially when there are many plugin instances initialized. It can be challenging to keep track of the flow of parameters and their units through a pipeline. To help manifest authors and auditors verify the correct flow of information through a pipeline, we provide the explainer feature.

explainer adds a block to the manifest that simply lists the parameter metadata used be the plugin's instance in the manifest. The metadata contains:

  • method: the function name being executed by the plugin
  • path: the import path for the plugin
  • inputs: a list of each input parameter
  • outputs: a list of each output parameter

Each element in inputs and outputs contains the following information about each specific parameter:

  • description: a plain-language summary of the parameter
  • unit:: The unit the parameter is expressed in
  • aggregation-method:: The appropriate method to use when aggregating the parameter across time or components (e.g. should it be summed, averaged, or held constant)

This information allows you to check that the units output by one plugin are consistent with those expected as inputs to another, in one clear itemized list in your output manifest.

Toggling explainer on or off

To enable the explainer feature, add the following line to your manifest, somewhere in the manifest context (e.g. above the plugins block):

explainer: true

If you set explainer to false or omit the line altogether, the explainer feature will not run.

Defining parameter metadata

Plugins are expected to ship with default values for their parameter metadata in their source code. For example, our plugin for calculating embodied carbon, SciEmbodied, includes the following metadata definition:

export const SciEmbodied = (
config: ConfigParams = {},
parametersMetadata: PluginParametersMetadata,
mapping: MappingParams
): ExecutePlugin => {
const metadata = {
kind: 'execute',
inputs: {
vCPUs: {
description: 'number of CPUs allocated to an application',
unit: 'CPUs',
'aggregation-method': 'copy',
memory: {
description: 'RAM available for a resource, in GB',
unit: 'GB',
'aggregation-method': 'copy',
ssd: {
description: 'number of SSDs available for a resource',
unit: 'SSDs',
'aggregation-method': 'copy',
hdd: {
description: 'number of HDDs available for a resource',
unit: 'HDDs',
'aggregation-method': 'copy',
gpu: {
description: 'number of GPUs available for a resource',
unit: 'GPUs',
'aggregation-method': 'copy',
'usage-ratio': {
'a scaling factor that can be used to describe the ratio of actual resource usage comapred to real device usage, e.g. 0.25 if you are using 2 out of 8 vCPUs, 0.1 if you are responsible for 1 out of 10 GB of storage, etc',
unit: 'dimensionless',
'aggregation-method': 'copy',
time: {
'a time unit to scale the embodied carbon by, in seconds. If not provided,time defaults to the value of the timestep duration.',
unit: 'seconds',
'aggregation-method': 'copy',
} as ParameterMetadata),
outputs: parametersMetadata?.outputs || {
'embodied-carbon': {
description: 'embodied carbon for a resource, scaled by usage',
unit: 'gCO2e',
'aggregation-method': 'sum',

However, there are cases where a plugin might not have parameter metadata in its source code, either because it was omitted, it was not knowable in advance, or the plugin was built before we shipped the explain feature. Sometimes, you might want to override the hard-coded defaults and use alternative metadata. In these cases, you can define new plugin metadata in the manifest file. It is considered best-practice to ensure all plugin instances have a complete set of plugin metadata.

Setting parameter metadata from the manifest file is done in the plugin instance's initialize block, as follows:

method: Interpolation
path: 'builtin'
method: linear
x: [0, 10, 50, 100]
y: [0.12, 0.32, 0.75, 1.02]
input-parameter: 'cpu/utilization'
output-parameter: 'cpu-factor'
description: 'portion of the total CPU capacity being used by an application'
unit: 'percentage'
aggregation-method: 'avg'
description: "a dimensionless intermediate used to scale a processor's thermal design power by CPU usage"
unit: 'dimensionless'
aggregation-method: 'avg'

Example manifest

The following manifest uses three plugins: sci, sci-embodied and sum-carbon. Of these, only sci-embodied has defaults hardcoded into the plugin code. The other two do not because they are "generic" arithmetic plugins for whom the values cannot be known in advance. Therefore, we set new parameter metadata in the initialize block for sci and sum-carbon but use the hardcoded defaults for sci-embodied.

We toggle the explainer feature by adding explainer: true in the manifest context.

name: sci
description: successful path
explainer: true
path: 'builtin'
method: SciEmbodied
path: 'builtin'
method: Sum
- carbon-operational
- embodied-carbon
output-parameter: carbon
description: "carbon emitted due to an application's execution"
unit: 'gCO2eq'
aggregation-method: 'sum'
description: "carbon emitted during the production, distribution and disposal of a hardware component, scaled by the fraction of the component's lifespan being allocated to the application under investigation"
unit: 'gCO2eq'
aggregation-method: 'sum'
description: "total carbon emissions attributed to an application's usage as the sum of embodied and operational carbon"
unit: 'gCO2eq'
aggregation-method: 'sum'
kind: plugin
method: Sci
path: 'builtin'
functional-unit: requests
description: "total carbon emissions attributed to an application's usage as the sum of embodied and operational carbon"
unit: 'gCO2eq'
aggregation-method: 'sum'
description: 'number of requests made to application in the given timestep'
unit: 'requests'
aggregation-method: 'sum'
description: 'software carbon intensity expressed as a rate of carbon emission per request'
unit: 'gCO2eq/request'
aggregation-method: 'sum'
- sci-embodied
- sum-carbon
- sci
device/emissions-embodied: 1533.120 # gCO2eq
time-reserved: 3600 # 1hr in seconds
device/expected-lifespan: 94608000 # 3 years in seconds
vcpus-allocated: 1
vcpus-total: 8
- timestamp: 2023-07-06T00:00
duration: 3600
energy: 5
carbon-operational: 5
requests: 100

When we execute this manifest, the following explain block is added to the output file:

method: SciEmbodied
path: builtin
description: number of CPUs allocated to an application
unit: CPUs
aggregation-method: copy
description: RAM available for a resource, in GB
unit: GB
aggregation-method: copy
description: number of SSDs available for a resource
unit: SSDs
aggregation-method: copy
description: number of HDDs available for a resource
unit: HDDs
aggregation-method: copy
description: number of GPUs available for a resource
unit: GPUs
aggregation-method: copy
description: >-
a scaling factor that can be used to describe the ratio of actual
resource usage comapred to real device usage, e.g. 0.25 if you are
using 2 out of 8 vCPUs, 0.1 if you are responsible for 1 out of 10 GB
of storage, etc
unit: dimensionless
aggregation-method: copy
description: >-
a time unit to scale the embodied carbon by, in seconds. If not
provided,time defaults to the value of the timestep duration.
unit: seconds
aggregation-method: copy
description: embodied carbon for a resource, scaled by usage
unit: gCO2e
aggregation-method: sum
method: Sum
path: builtin
unit: gCO2eq
description: carbon emitted due to an application's execution
aggregation-method: sum
unit: gCO2eq
description: >-
carbon emitted during the production, distribution and disposal of a
hardware component, scaled by the fraction of the component's lifespan
being allocated to the application under investigation
aggregation-method: sum
unit: gCO2eq
description: >-
total carbon emissions attributed to an application's usage as the sum
of embodied and operational carbon
aggregation-method: sum
method: Sci
path: builtin
unit: gCO2eq
description: >-
total carbon emissions attributed to an application's usage as the sum
of embodied and operational carbon
aggregation-method: sum
description: >-
the name of the functional unit in which the final SCI value should be
expressed, e.g. requests, users
unit: none
aggregation-method: sum
unit: requests
description: number of requests made to application in the given timestep
aggregation-method: sum
unit: gCO2eq/request
description: >-
software carbon intensity expressed as a rate of carbon emission per
aggregation-method: sum

When not to use explainer

In manifests where you are only using generic plugins, or override all the metadata loaded in from the plugin source code, explainer will simply echo back information from your initialize block since all the parameter metadata is set there. In these cases, the explain block is probably redundant information as you could just read the same information in your manifest's plugins section. The point of explain is to confirm what units and parameters are being passed through a pipeline when you have a mixture of plugins from many sources whose parameter metadata is defined in-code and in-manifest.