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This project is an incubation project being run inside the Green Software Foundation; as such, we DON’T recommend using it in any critical use case. Incubation projects are experimental, offer no support guarantee, have minimal governance and process, and may be retired at any moment. This project may one day Graduate, in which case this disclaimer will be removed.

IF features

This page simply lists the features of Impact Framework that are not plugins or CLI tools, along with a brief description, usage instruction and link to more detailed docs.

Typically these features are enabled using a piece of manifest config.


Aggregate collects and summarizes data across time or across components in your tree.

How to configure

Add the following config to your manifest (this example is for aggregating "cpu/utilization" values across both time and components):

- 'cpu/utilization'
type: both

Read more on aggregate


The explainer lists the unit, description, aggregation method, and plugins of the parameter that is used in the manifest.

How to configure

You can toggle the explainer by adding the following config to your manifest:

explainer: true

You can override the parameter metadata provided in a plugin's source code by adding it to the plugin's initialize block, as follows:

explainer: true
path: "builtin"
method: Sum
- carbon-operational
- carbon-embodied
output-parameter: carbon
description: "carbon emitted due to an application's execution"
unit: "gCO2eq"
aggregation-method: 'sum',
description: "carbon emitted during the production, distribution and disposal of a hardware component, scaled by the fraction of the component's lifespan being allocated to the application under investigation"
unit: "gCO2eq"
aggregation-method: 'sum'

Read more on explainer