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This project is an incubation project being run inside the Green Software Foundation; as such, we DON’T recommend using it in any critical use case. Incubation projects are experimental, offer no support guarantee, have minimal governance and process, and may be retired at any moment. This project may one day Graduate, in which case this disclaimer will be removed.

How to build plugins

The IF is designed to be as composable as possible. This means you can develop your own plugins and use them in a pipeline. To help developers write Typescript plugins to integrate easily into IF, we provide the ExecutePlugin interface. Here's an overview of the stages you need to follow to integrate your plugin:

  • create a Typescript file that implements the ExecutePlugin
  • install the plugin
  • initialize and invoke the plugin in your manifest file

Step 1: Use our template repository

Instead of building up your plugin repository and all the configuration from scratch, you can use our plugin template repository. To use the template, visit the Github repository and click the Use this template button. You will have the option to create a new repository under your own account. Then, you can clone that repository to your local machine.

use our template repository

Inside that repository, all you have to do is run npm install typescript in the template folder, rename the project in package.json and write your plugin code inside index.ts. All the configuration and setup is taken care of for you.

Step 2: Writing your plugin code

Now your project is setup, you can focus on your plugin logic. The entry point for your plugin is index.ts. In this guide it is assumed that all your plugin logic is in index.ts but depending on the copmplexity of your plugin you might want to split the code across multiple files. index.ts should always be your entry point, though.

The following sections describe the rules your plugin code should conform to. We also have an appendix that deep dives a real plugin.

The plugin interface

The ExecutePlugin is structured as follows:

export type ExecutePlugin = {
execute: (
inputs: PluginParams[],
config?: Record<string, any>
) => PluginParams[];
metadata: {
kind: string;
inputs?: ParameterMetadata;
outputs?: ParameterMetadata;
[key: string]: any;

The interface requires an execute function where your plugin logic is implemented. It should also return metadata. This can include any relevant metadata you want to include, with a minimum requirement being kind: execute.

Global config

Global config is passed as an argument to the plugin. In your plugin code you can handle it as follows:

// Here's the function definition - notice that global config is passed in here!
export const Plugin = (
globalConfig: YourConfig,
parametersMetadata: PluginParametersMetadata
): ExecutePlugin => {
// in here you have access to globalConfig[your-params]

The parameters available to you in globalConfig depends upon the parameters you pass in the manifest file. For example, the Sum plugin has access to input-parameters and output-parameter in its global config, and it is defined in the Initialize block in the manifest file as follows:

method: Sum
path: 'builtin'
input-parameters: ['cpu/energy', 'network/energy']
output-parameter: 'energy'

Parameter metadata

The parameter-metadata is passed as an argument to the plugin as the global config. It contains information about the description and unit of the parameters of the inputs and outputs that defined in the manifest.

method: Sum
path: 'builtin'
input-parameters: ['cpu/energy', 'network/energy']
output-parameter: 'energy-sum'
description: energy consumed by the cpu
unit: kWh
description: energy consumed by data ingress and egress
unit: kWh
description: sum of energy components
unit: kWh



execute() is where the main calculation logic of the plugin is implemented. It always takes inputs (an array of PluginParams) as an argument and returns an updated set of inputs.


inputsPluginParams[]Array of data provided in the inputs field of a component in a manifest file


Return valueTypePurpose
outputsPromise<PluginParams[]>Promise resolving to an array of updated PluginParams[]

What are PluginParams?

What are PluginParams?

PluginParams are a fundamental data type in the Impact Framework. The type is defined as follows:

export type PluginParams = {
[key: string]: any;

The PluginParams type therefore defines an array of key-value pairs.

Step 3: Install your plugin

Now your plugin code is written, you can install it to make it available to IF.

npm run build

Then use npm link to create a package that can be installed into IF:

npm link

Step 4: Load your plugin into IF

Now your plugin is ready to run in IF. First install your plugin by navigating to the if project folder and running:

npm link new-plugin

replacing new-plugin with your plugin name as defined in the plugin's package.json. If you are not sure, the name can be checked by running npm ls -g --depth=0 --link=true.

Your plugin is now ready to be run in IF. All that remains is to add your plugin to your manifest file. This means adding it to the initialize block and adding it to the component pipelines where you want your plugin to be executed. For example, an initilize block might look as follows:

method: YourFunctionName
path: 'new-plugin'
something: true

Run your manifest uisng

npm run if-run -- --manifest <path-to-manifest>

If you have to link more than one local plugin, for example to test your plugin in a pipeline, you can do so with

npm link new-plugin --save

This will create an entry like "new-plugin": "file:path/to/your/plugin" in the package.json which links to your local plugin. This way, multiple plugins can be linked at once. Of course, these changes should not be committed, but they can be helpful for local testing.

Step 5: Publishing your plugin

Now you have run your plugin locally and you are happy with how it works, you can make it public by publishing it to a public Github repository. Now all you have to do to use it in a manifest file is npm install it and pass the path to the Github repository in the plugin initialize block.

For example, for a plugin saved in you can do the following:

npm install

Then, in your manifest file, provide the path in the plugin instantiation. You also need to specify which function the plugin instantiates. Let's say you are using the Sum plugin from the example above:

name: plugin-demo
description: loads plugin
tags: null
- name: new-plugin
kind: plugin
method: FunctionName

Now, when you run the manifest file, it will load the plugin automatically.

You can run this using the globally installed IF as follows:

if-run --manifest <path-to-my-manifest>

Summary of steps

  • Copy our template repository and update package.json
  • Add your plugin code to index.ts
  • Build and link the plugin using npm run build && npm link
  • Load your plugin into if using npm link
  • Initialize your plugin and add it to a pipeline in your manifest file.
  • Publish your plugin to Github

You should also create unit tests for your plugin to demonstrate correct execution and handling of corner cases.

Next steps

You can read our more advanced guide on how to refine your plugins.

Appendix: Walk-through of the Sum plugin

To demonstrate how to build a plugin that conforms to the ExecutePlugin, let's examine the sum plugin.

The sum plugin implements the following logic:

  • sum whatever is provided in the input-parameters field from globalConfig.
  • append the result to each element in the output array with the name provided as output-parameter in globalConfig.

Let's look at how you would implement this from scratch:

The plugin must be a function conforming to ExecutePlugin. You can call the function Sum, and inside the body you can add the signature for the execute method:

export const Sum = (
globalConfig: SumConfig,
parametersMetadata: PluginParametersMetadata
): ExecutePlugin => {
const errorBuilder = buildErrorMessage(;
const metadata = {
kind: 'execute',
inputs: parametersMetadata?.inputs,
outputs: parametersMetadata?.outputs,

* Calculate the sum of each input.
const execute = async (inputs: PluginParams[]): Promise<PluginParams[]> => {};

return {

Your plugin now has the basic structure required for IF integration. Your next task is to add code to the body of execute to enable the actual plugin logic to be implemented.

The execute function should grab the input-parameters (the values to sum) from globalConfig. it should then iterate over the inputs array, get the values for each of the input-parameters and append them to the inputs array, using the name from the output-parameter value in globalConfig. Here's what this can look like, with the actual calculation pushed to a separate function, calculateSum.

* Calculate the sum of each input.
const execute = async (inputs: PluginParams[]): Promise<PluginParams[]> => {
const inputParameters = globalConfig['input-parameters'];
const outputParameter = globalConfig['output-parameter'];

return => {
return {
[outputParameter]: calculateSum(input, inputParameters),

return {

Now we just need to define what happens in calculateSum - this can be a simple reduce:

* Calculates the sum of the energy components.
const calculateSum = (input: PluginParams, inputParameters: string[]) =>
(accumulator, metricToSum) => accumulator + input[metricToSum],

Note that this example did not include any validation or error handling - you will likely want to add some for a real plugin.

Managing errors

If framework provides it's own set of error classes which will make user's live much more easier! If Core plugin has a set of error classes which can be used for having full integration with the IF framework. More details about each error class can be found at Errors Reference

Now you are ready to run your plugin using the if-run CLI tool!