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This project is an incubation project being run inside the Green Software Foundation; as such, we DON’T recommend using it in any critical use case. Incubation projects are experimental, offer no support guarantee, have minimal governance and process, and may be retired at any moment. This project may one day Graduate, in which case this disclaimer will be removed.


Impact Framework works by executing pipelines of plugins over input data. Those plugins are re-useable units of code that can be thought of as Lego bricks - simple blocks of code that can be assembled into complex workflows.

IF comes bundled with a standard library of builtins that allow you to do basic and/or generic operations over your data. These include simple arithmetic, regrouping data, calculating SCI scores, and running processes in a spawned shell.

Most IF plugins are created and maintained by the community. Anyone can create a plugin and share it so that other iF users can install it and use it in their pipelines.

We provide a website where you can search for plugins:

IF Explorer

You can also add your own plugins to the Explorer using this form.


IF builtins all come bundled with IF. Below you will find a list of each builtin along with a brief description of its purpose and a link to its README documentation.

  • Time Sync: Takes a heterogeneous set of time series data that might be offset, discontinuous or irregularly spaces and returns time series conforming to a user defined time grid. E.g. a user can define that all sets of observations should start at some global start time, end at some global end time and have a specific temporal resolution.

  • Groupby: Allows a user to regroup their output data according to given keys.

  • SCI-embodied - Calculates the embodied carbon for a component.

  • SCI: Calculates the software carbon intensity.

  • Shell - A plugin that enables external code in any language to be run in a child process

  • Sum: a generic arithmetic plugin that allows you to sum any set of input parameters.

  • Multiply: a generic arithmetic plugin that allows you to multiply any set of input parameters.

  • Coefficient: a generic arithmetic plugin that allows you to multiply any input value by a coefficient.

  • Mock Observations: A plugin for mocking observations (inputs) for testing and demo purposes.

  • Subtract: a generic plugin for subtracting one value from another

  • Divide: A generic plugin for doing arithmetic division of two values.

  • Regex: A generic plugin to match part of one string and extract it into another.

  • Exponent: A generic plugin for raising a value to a power

  • Interpolation: A generic plugin for interpolating between known points.

  • Copy Param: A generic plugin for copying a parameter to a new element in the input array, optionally deleting the original. Useful as a way to rename parameters.

  • CSV lookup: A generic plugin for querying data from CSV files.