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This project is an incubation project being run inside the Green Software Foundation; as such, we DON’T recommend using it in any critical use case. Incubation projects are experimental, offer no support guarantee, have minimal governance and process, and may be retired at any moment. This project may one day Graduate, in which case this disclaimer will be removed.

Software Carbon Intensity (SCI)

The software carbon intensity (SCI) score is perhaps the most important value that can be generated using Impact Framework.

SCI is an ISO-recognized standard for reporting the carbon costs of running software. This tutorial demonstrates how to organize a pipeline of Impact framework plugins to calculate SCI scores from some simple observations of the CPU utilization of a software application running in the cloud.


This tutorial builds on top of the Teads curve pipeline tutorial. That tutorial demonstrates how to organize a pipeline that converts CPOU utilization observations into CPU energy. This tutorial uses the same pipeline but goes several steps further, including converting the CPU energy estimates into carbon, adding the embodied carbon associated with the hardware being used and calculating the SCI score.

Step 1: Pasting in the Teads pipeline

You can start by copying the manifest you created in the Teads curve tutorial into a new file called sci.yml. You can use that manifest as a template and build off of it here. Here's a reminder of what the file should look like:

name: carbon-intensity plugin demo
method: Interpolation
path: 'builtin'
method: linear
x: [0, 10, 50, 100]
y: [0.12, 0.32, 0.75, 1.02]
input-parameter: 'cpu/utilization'
output-parameter: 'cpu-factor'
method: Multiply
path: builtin
input-parameters: ["cpu-factor", "cpu/thermal-design-power"]
output-parameter: "cpu-wattage"
method: Multiply
path: builtin
input-parameters: ["cpu-wattage", "duration"]
output-parameter: "cpu-wattage-times-duration"
method: Divide
path: "builtin"
numerator: cpu-wattage-times-duration
denominator: 3600000
output: cpu-energy-raw
method: Divide
path: "builtin"
numerator: vcpus-total
denominator: vcpus-allocated
output: vcpu-ratio
method: Divide
path: "builtin"
numerator: cpu-energy-raw
denominator: vcpu-ratio
output: cpu-energy-kwh
- interpolate
- cpu-factor-to-wattage
- wattage-times-duration
- wattage-to-energy-kwh
- calculate-vcpu-ratio
- correct-cpu-energy-for-vcpu-ratio
cpu/thermal-design-power: 100
vcpus-total: 8
vcpus-allocated: 2
- timestamp: 2023-08-06T00:00
duration: 360
cpu/utilization: 1
carbon: 30
- timestamp: 2023-09-06T00:00
duration: 360
carbon: 30
cpu/utilization: 10
- timestamp: 2023-10-06T00:00
duration: 360
carbon: 30
cpu/utilization: 50
- timestamp: 2023-10-06T00:00
duration: 360
carbon: 30
cpu/utilization: 100

Step 2: Adding a network/energy component

Your Teads curve manifest only accounted for CPU energy, but this SCI manifest will also consider the energy consumed during data ingress and egress, collectively known as "network energy". This can be calculated from data ingress and egress observations, but in this example, we will shortcut it by adding the network/energy value, measured in kWh, directly to the input data. You can do this by adding network/energy and a value to each element in the inputs array. This is just an example, so you can create dummy values. In a real example, these data would come from observations of a real system.

The SCI score will take into account all the energy used by the application, which in this case includes CPU energy and network energy. Therefore, you need to add a plugin that sums these components of energy together and adds the result to the inputs array. The Sum plugin exists for precisely this purpose. There are going to be multiple instances of the Sum plugin in your SCI pipeline, so you should choose a descriptive name for it so that you can easily invoke it in the right position in your pipeline.

Add the following to your initialize: plugins: block:

path: "builtin"
method: Sum
- cpu/energy
- network/energy
output-parameter: energy

This will create an instance of Sum called sum-energy-components, and it will sum cpu/energy and network/energy and append the result to inputs as energy.

Step 3: Account for embodied carbon

Embodied carbon is the carbon emitted during the production and disposal of the hardware used to run an application. The total embodied carbon for a unit of hardware is scaled down by the proportion of its expected lifespan used up by an application. This is all handled by another IF builtin called SciEmbodied. The result is embodied-carbon in units of gCO2eq. You can simply create an instance of it and add it to your pipeline. It requires no global configuration.

path: "builtin"
method: SciEmbodied

embodied-carbon does expect some specific values to be available in the inputs array. These include:

device/emissions-embodied: # the embodied emissions for the entire component
time-reserved: # time the component is used by the application
device/expected-lifespan: # lifespan of the component in seconds
resources-reserved: # proportion of the total component being allocated
resources-total: # size of the component

Most of these values can be found in manufacturer documentation for specific processors and other hardware. In the present case, you can again provide some default values for a hypothetical system. You can assume the resource is a processor being used in a cloud virtual machine. In this case, the resources-total can be the total number of VCPUs for the processor and the resources-allocated can be the number of VCPUs actually being used by your application. Remembering back to the Teads curve example, you already have that information available to you in the form of the vcpus-total and vcpus-allocated fields, which you can pass by name as values to resources-total and resources-reserved`.

Add the following to your defaults section:

device/emissions-embodied: 1533.120 # gCO2eq
time-reserved: 3600 # 1hr in seconds
device/expected-lifespan: 94608000 # 3 years in seconds
resources-reserved: vcpus-allocated
resources-total: vcpus-total

Step 4: Calculate operational carbon

So far, you have calculated the embodied carbon for your application, but your usage values are still expressed as units of energy. To calculate the carbon emissions that result from that energy consumption, you need to multiply your total energy by the carbon intensity of the electricity you consume. This value is known as the operational-carbon. In a real example, the grid carbon intensity could be a time-varying value that also depends on your physical location. However, here you will hardcode it for simplicity.


Now create an instance of Multiply that will calculate the product of energy and grid/carbon-intensity:

method: Multiply
path: builtin
input-parameters: ["energy", "grid/carbon-intensity"]
output-parameter: "carbon-operational"

Step 5: Sum carbon components

At this stage you have two separate sources of carbon emissions treated separately in your inputs: embodied-carbon anf operational-carbon. To account for the total carbon emissions for your application, you need to add these two sources together.

Add the following instance of the Sum plugin to your initialize: plugins: block. It will sum carbon-operational and carbon-embodied and append the result to inputs as carbon.

path: "builtin"
method: Sum
- carbon-operational
- carbon-embodied
output-parameter: carbon

Step 6: Calculate SCI

Now you have calculated the total carbon emissions due to your application, you can move to the final step which is calculating your SCI score. This is simply the total carbon expressed in terms of some functional unit. Functional units can be measured values such as requests, visits, users or whatever else you want to express your carbon emissions in terms of. In this case, you will simply express your SCI in terms of the entire application, in which case you can just set the functional unit to 1.

Add an instance of the SCI plugin to your initialize: plugins: block as follows:

path: "builtin"
method: Sci
functional-unit: "component"

SCI will look in each element in the inputs array for the component key. To ensure it is there, we can add it to defaults as follows:

component: 1

Note that in a real system, you probably don't want to use defaults to define your functional unit unless you are sure it is constant over time. More likely, you'll have observations of some system metric in eachg timestep to use as a functional unit.

Step 7: Create the pipeline

Now you have initialized all the plugins you will need to compute the SCI score, add them in sequence to your execution pipeline, as follows:

- interpolate
- cpu-factor-to-wattage
- wattage-times-duration
- wattage-to-energy-kwh
- calculate-vcpu-ratio
- correct-cpu-energy-for-vcpu-ratio
- sum-energy-components
- embodied-carbon
- operational-carbon
- sum-carbon
- sci

Congratulations, now you have completed your manifest and can calculate your SCI score!

Step 8: Run your manifest

Assuming your manifest is saved as sci/yml you can run it using the following command:

if-run -m sci.yml

You will see the following data displayed in the console:

name: sci
description: >-
a full pipeline seeded with some hardcoded input data and yielding an SCI
tags: null
path: builtin
method: Interpolation
method: linear
- 0
- 10
- 50
- 100
- 0.12
- 0.32
- 0.75
- 1.02
input-parameter: cpu/utilization
output-parameter: cpu-factor
path: builtin
method: Multiply
- cpu-factor
- cpu/thermal-design-power
output-parameter: cpu-wattage
path: builtin
method: Multiply
- cpu-wattage
- duration
output-parameter: cpu-wattage-times-duration
path: builtin
method: Divide
numerator: cpu-wattage-times-duration
denominator: 3600000
output: cpu-energy-raw
path: builtin
method: Divide
numerator: vcpus-total
denominator: vcpus-allocated
output: vcpu-ratio
path: builtin
method: Divide
numerator: cpu-energy-raw
denominator: vcpu-ratio
output: cpu/energy
path: builtin
method: Sum
- cpu/energy
- network/energy
output-parameter: energy
path: builtin
method: SciEmbodied
path: builtin
method: Multiply
- energy
- grid/carbon-intensity
output-parameter: carbon-operational
path: builtin
method: Sum
- carbon-operational
- carbon-embodied
output-parameter: carbon
path: builtin
method: Sci
functional-unit: component
path: builtin
method: TimeSync
start-time: '2023-12-12T00:00:00.000Z'
end-time: '2023-12-12T00:01:00.000Z'
interval: 5
allow-padding: true
command: >-
/home/user/Code/if/src/index.ts -m manifests/examples/sci.yml -o
if-version: 0.3.3-beta.0
os: linux
os-version: 5.15.0-107-generic
node-version: 21.4.0
date-time: 2024-06-10T09:14:42.383Z (UTC)
- '@babel/core@7.22.10'
- '@babel/preset-typescript@7.23.3'
- '@commitlint/cli@18.6.0'
- '@commitlint/config-conventional@18.6.0'
- '@jest/globals@29.7.0'
- '@types/jest@29.5.8'
- '@types/js-yaml@4.0.9'
- '@types/luxon@3.4.2'
- '@types/node@20.9.0'
- axios-mock-adapter@1.22.0
- axios@1.7.2
- csv-parse@5.5.6
- csv-stringify@6.4.6
- fixpack@4.0.0
- gts@5.2.0
- husky@8.0.3
- jest@29.7.0
- js-yaml@4.1.0
- lint-staged@15.2.2
- luxon@3.4.4
- release-it@16.3.0
- rimraf@5.0.5
- ts-command-line-args@2.5.1
- ts-jest@29.1.1
- typescript-cubic-spline@1.0.1
- typescript@5.2.2
- winston@3.11.0
- zod@3.22.4
status: success
- interpolate
- cpu-factor-to-wattage
- wattage-times-duration
- wattage-to-energy-kwh
- calculate-vcpu-ratio
- correct-cpu-energy-for-vcpu-ratio
- sum-energy-components
- embodied-carbon
- operational-carbon
- sum-carbon
- sci
config: null
cpu/thermal-design-power: 100
vcpus-total: 8
vcpus-allocated: 2
grid/carbon-intensity: 800
device/emissions-embodied: 1533.12
time-reserved: 3600
device/expected-lifespan: 94608000
resources-reserved: vcpus-allocated
resources-total: vcpus-total
component: 1
- timestamp: '2023-12-12T00:00:00.000Z'
cloud/instance-type: A1
cloud/region: uk-west
duration: 1
cpu/utilization: 50
network/energy: 0.000001
- timestamp: '2023-12-12T00:00:01.000Z'
duration: 5
cpu/utilization: 20
cloud/instance-type: A1
cloud/region: uk-west
network/energy: 0.000001
- timestamp: '2023-12-12T00:00:06.000Z'
duration: 7
cpu/utilization: 15
cloud/instance-type: A1
cloud/region: uk-west
network/energy: 0.000001
- timestamp: '2023-12-12T00:00:13.000Z'
duration: 30
cloud/instance-type: A1
cloud/region: uk-west
cpu/utilization: 15
network/energy: 0.000001
- timestamp: '2023-12-12T00:00:00.000Z'
cloud/instance-type: A1
cloud/region: uk-west
duration: 1
cpu/utilization: 50
network/energy: 0.000001
cpu/thermal-design-power: 100
vcpus-total: 8
vcpus-allocated: 2
grid/carbon-intensity: 800
device/emissions-embodied: 1533.12
time-reserved: 3600
device/expected-lifespan: 94608000
resources-reserved: vcpus-allocated
resources-total: vcpus-total
component: 1
cpu-factor: 0.75
cpu-wattage: 75
cpu-wattage-times-duration: 75
cpu-energy-raw: 0.000020833333333333333
vcpu-ratio: 4
cpu/energy: 0.000005208333333333333
energy: 0.000006208333333333333
carbon-embodied: 0.000004051243023845763
carbon-operational: 0.004966666666666666
carbon: 0.004970717909690512
sci: 0.004970717909690512
- timestamp: '2023-12-12T00:00:01.000Z'
duration: 5
cpu/utilization: 20
cloud/instance-type: A1
cloud/region: uk-west
network/energy: 0.000001
cpu/thermal-design-power: 100
vcpus-total: 8
vcpus-allocated: 2
grid/carbon-intensity: 800
device/emissions-embodied: 1533.12
time-reserved: 3600
device/expected-lifespan: 94608000
resources-reserved: vcpus-allocated
resources-total: vcpus-total
component: 1
cpu-factor: 0.4275
cpu-wattage: 42.75
cpu-wattage-times-duration: 213.75
cpu-energy-raw: 0.000059375
vcpu-ratio: 4
cpu/energy: 0.00001484375
energy: 0.00001584375
carbon-embodied: 0.000020256215119228814
carbon-operational: 0.012674999999999999
carbon: 0.012695256215119228
sci: 0.012695256215119228
- timestamp: '2023-12-12T00:00:06.000Z'
duration: 7
cpu/utilization: 15
cloud/instance-type: A1
cloud/region: uk-west
network/energy: 0.000001
cpu/thermal-design-power: 100
vcpus-total: 8
vcpus-allocated: 2
grid/carbon-intensity: 800
device/emissions-embodied: 1533.12
time-reserved: 3600
device/expected-lifespan: 94608000
resources-reserved: vcpus-allocated
resources-total: vcpus-total
component: 1
cpu-factor: 0.37375
cpu-wattage: 37.375
cpu-wattage-times-duration: 261.625
cpu-energy-raw: 0.00007267361111111111
vcpu-ratio: 4
cpu/energy: 0.000018168402777777778
energy: 0.000019168402777777778
carbon-embodied: 0.00002835870116692034
carbon-operational: 0.015334722222222222
carbon: 0.015363080923389142
sci: 0.015363080923389142
- timestamp: '2023-12-12T00:00:13.000Z'
duration: 30
cloud/instance-type: A1
cloud/region: uk-west
cpu/utilization: 15
network/energy: 0.000001
cpu/thermal-design-power: 100
vcpus-total: 8
vcpus-allocated: 2
grid/carbon-intensity: 800
device/emissions-embodied: 1533.12
time-reserved: 3600
device/expected-lifespan: 94608000
resources-reserved: vcpus-allocated
resources-total: vcpus-total
component: 1
cpu-factor: 0.37375
cpu-wattage: 37.375
cpu-wattage-times-duration: 1121.25
cpu-energy-raw: 0.00031145833333333335
vcpu-ratio: 4
cpu/energy: 0.00007786458333333334
energy: 0.00007886458333333333
carbon-embodied: 0.0001215372907153729
carbon-operational: 0.06309166666666667
carbon: 0.06321320395738204
sci: 0.06321320395738204

What next?

Now you have a basic SCI pipeline, you can use it as a base for more advanced IF runs. Try experimenting with:

  • aggregating the individual SCI scores over time using our aggregate feature
  • using mock observations to generate dummy input data
  • using a third-party plugin to grab real grid carbon intensity data
  • grabbing real metadata for your processor using csv-lookup